Dental Crowns & Bridges

Dental Crown and Bridges are types of dental prosthetics that can be either supported by your natural teeth or by a dental implant. In our office, we provide both types.

The choice between a crown or bridge over your natural teeth, or a crown or bridge over dental implants will depend on your particular oral health situation and will be decided between you and our dentist during your visit.

Most Common Reasons Patients need a Crown

There are many reasons why you may need a dental crown, below are those we encounter most often:

  • Protecting a weak tooth (possibly from decay) from breaking
  • Restoring a broken tooth or a severely worn down tooth
  • Covering and supporting a tooth with a large filling and not much tooth remaining
  • Holding a dental bridge in place
  • Covering a dental implant
  • Covering a tooth that’s been treated with a root canal

State-of-the-Art Equipment

At E&I our goal is to restore your smile with the best materials, and do it at an affordable cost. This is why we rely on state-of-the-art equipment to create realistic crowns and bridges that will blend perfectly with your natural teeth.

Variety of Options

Our doctors understand the importance of giving patients a choice in the type of material used for your crown/bridge. Different patients have different budgets and we have a solution to fit everyone’s financial preference.

Lab on Premises

Esthetic & Implant Dentistry has a lab on premises which allows us to make same-day dentures, crowns, bridges and most prosthetic repairs. This way our patients do not have to wait for a busy lab for their prosthetics to be ready.

For more information about Crowns or Bridges, please call: 561-683-4488

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