Implant-Supported Overdentures

Over the past few year Overdentures have grown in popularity among those who need dentures and their providers. Overdentures or Implant-Supported Dentures are dentures that are installed on top of dental implants.

Unlike traditional dentures which need to be removed and cleaned regularly, overdentures are meant to stay in place and are cared for just like your natural teeth.

Advantages of Overdentures

Overdentures present many advantages over traditional removable dentures.

  • They stay securely in place
  • Less jaw bone loss (the holding dental implants stimulate the jawbone)
  • Overdentures tend to be more comfortable
  • Improved chewing ability/digestion
  • Easy maintenance (no need for any adhesives)
  • Feel more like natural teeth
  • Improved speech

3-Step Process

Once your provider has determined that you a good candidate for overdentures, you will go through a 3-step process. Overdenture treatment typically takes from 3 to 6 month depending on your particular situation.

  • 1- Your natural teeth are removed to make room for the overdentures
  • 2- Dental implants are installed. These are the implants that the overdentures will be attached to.
  • 3- The overdentures are secured to the dental implants.

Lab on Premises

Esthetic & Implant Dentistry has a lab on premises which allows us to make same-day dentures, crowns, bridges and most prosthetic repairs. This way our patients do not have to wait for a busy lab for their prosthetics to be ready.


Overdentures are an investment, but that does not mean they have to be expansive. At E&I we work with each patient individually to find the right match for their budget .We accept insurance and also offer many different options for payment (including CareCredit).

For more Information about Overdentures, Call: 561-683-4488

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