Restorative Dentistry

Our restorative dentistry services focus on repairing or replacing your damaged/broken teeth. Our goal is to restore your oral health and improve your chewing function. A proper functioning mouth has been proven to lead to overall health improvements, including digestion and heart health.

Oral Health for Everyone

In our clinic we see patients of all ages. Patients who might need restorative dentistry services include those who have cavities/tooth decay, damaged, broken, or missing teeth, and those who have lost or broken a crown or previous dental restoration.

Comprehensive Dental Services

In our offices, we provide comprehensive dental procedures, including:

Lab on Premises

Esthetic & Implant Dentistry has a lab on premises which allows us to make same-day dentures, crowns, bridges and most prosthetic repairs. This way our patients do not have to wait for a busy lab for their prosthetics to be ready.


Dental restoration procedures aren’t typically very expensive, but for those without insurance, sometimes it is easier to pay over time. At E&I we work with each patient individually to find the right payment option their situation. We offer many different options for payment (including CareCredit).

Call 561-683-4488 for more Information on Restorative Dentistry

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