Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often cause problems as they try to emerge from the gums. They can become impacted, meaning they don’t fully emerge or they come in at an angle, pushing against the adjacent tooth, and leading to pain and discomfort.

Left untreated, wisdom teeth can also cause problems with your bite and lead to infection, damage to nearby teeth and even cysts.

What the Procedure Involves

Wisdom tooth extraction procedure is a surgery. The extraction process begins with a consultation where we will examine your mouth and take x-rays to determine the position of your wisdom teeth and whether they need to be removed. If it is determined that extraction is the best course of action, we will explain the procedure to you in detail, and answer any questions you may have.

The type of anesthesia needed will depend on the position of your wisdom tooth and the complexity of the extraction.

Post Operative Care & Pain Management

The recovery from wisdom teeth extraction varies from patient to patient and the severity of your case greatly influences the length of your recovery process.  After the procedure, it is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by our clinic. This includes taking any prescribed medication, avoiding hard or crunchy foods, and avoiding smoking and drinking through a straw. These instructions will aid in the healing process and reduce the risk of complications.

For Information on Wisdom Teeth Extraction, Call: 561-683-4488

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